Guidelines for Authors
Email: [email protected]
Call for Papers is open for the Journal of Gender and Social Issues and articles are accepted on rolling basis. The journal has been placed in the Y category for the third year running and is visible on the HEC website Unpublished scholarly contribution is solicited for the journal, following the guidelines given below.
- MS Word copy of the original manuscript must be submitted to the email address provided. No hard copies will be accepted.
- Article title should be brief, academic in nature, and descriptive so that the article is easily located online
- JGSI discourages Turnitin reports provided by researchers. If the article is part of a dissertation or project for which Turnitin has already been done, this must be mentioned in the email and the report attached with the article.
- APA 6th edition is to be followed for in-text citations and references.
- All sources and funding must be acknowledged.
- Heading/Title must be in font size 14, Times New Roman, centered and bold.
- Text must be in Font size 12, Times New Roman, double spaced with margins of one inch on all sides.
- The title page or text must have no information that reveals the identity of the writer/s. no co-authors will be acknowledged once the article has been submitted.
- The manuscript is to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals on the top right hand corner.
- Word length of the article minus the title, tables, figures, illustrations and footnotes etc must be 3500-5000.
- Tables, figures, illustrations and references, should be prepared in accordance with the Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
- Maps, tables, and figures must be embedded in the text. A short caption should appear above maps, tables, and figures with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included.
- Authors must also provide a shortened version of the title, not exceeding 50 character spaces, suitable for the running head.
- As per HEC policy, the journal allows a maximum of three authors. In case the number exceeds the limit, authors whose names occur after the third author will automatically be removed.
- Authors are instructed to write the title of the article, in the subject window, at the time of submission instead of phrases like 'article submission' 'article for journal' 'FJWU paper' etc.
- If at any time during the processing of the article, the title is changed, authors must refer to the article by the revised title.
- Names of authors and their affiliation are required only at the time of initial submission.
- The journal team prides inteslf on its promptness in responding to email enquiries. If at any time, the enquiry does not elicit a reponse, within 72 hours, authors are requested to email for information.
- Articles that do not fulfill the requirements will not be entertained.
1st author:
2nd author:
3rd author:
Corresponding author:
Email address:
Contact number:
Area/Discipline of article:
Postal address:
Note: There will be no change in the sequence or number of authors once the article has been submitted.
Signature & date: __________________________